Imagine...knowing where you need to shift for the 2nd half of 2024 to get the results you desire...

The Mid Year Shift

Quantum Leaping Into the 2nd half of 2024.

Presale Pricing $97

In this program...things are going to shift to create a shift from the first half of 2024 to the second half.

Didn't love your first half results?

Know that your second half can be so much better?

Let's SHIFT!

In The Mid Year Shift we are...
⬆️Shifting your pricing

⬆️Shifting your visibility

⬆️Shifting your content

⬆️Shifting your sales and revenue

⬆️Shifting your belief system and more.

You didn't create your business to be mediocre or average, right?

You didn't create this business to create so-so results, right?

It's time to create the shift that will quantum leap you throughout the 3rd quarter and beyond.

I'm in!Ready for the shift
Payment OptionsPre Presale Pricing & Payments

What Client's Said after the Q2 Shift Program...

Why is The Mid Year Shift starting on the 15th when THIS is the middle of the year?

Many reasons... however the most important one... you are probably excited right now.

You're taking the action, being consistent and feeling the pull to go "all in."

Most of us, struggle to stay motivated to continue with a goal after 2 weeks (National Quitters day is always around the 14th of January for a reason).

And even if you are still going strong on the 15th, it's time to shift the things you are doing to maximize your results.

Ready for The Mid Year Shift?

More details:

The one thing my clients loved was the Q2 Shift.

I tested it in April and you had to be in my current programming to receive it, I didn't try to sell it outside of my current containers.

Why? Because I wanted to have fun with it, see what clicked, see how my current clients responded to it, knowing I would do it again and sell it publicly especially because it was so well received.

So...we are doing it's the Q3 shift but it's more! It's to create your next level to end the 2nd half of 2024 strong. If you didn't love your results in the first half, this is the ACTIONS to get you there in the 2nd half.

It's a combination of zoom (with replays) and telegram. Zoom is the strategy and teaching, Telegram is the motivation.

It's 1 week to really set your 2nd half up to create that next level shift.

We start on July 15th and I CANNOT WAIT!.

What other's have said that worked with me...